08-Sep-2024  Srinagar booked.net


Bullet-Riddled Holy Sikh Book From 1984 On Display



Amritsar: The Shaheed Baba Gurbax Singh Gurdwara, located at the rear of Akal Takht (primary seat of Sikh temporal authority) has kept the bullet-riddled Holy book of Sikhs, Guru Granth Sahib on display for the visitors till June 6.

The Holy Book was damaged during Operation Bluestar in June 1984, and every year, Sikhs commemorate this event by wearing black turbans. 

According to reports, emotions were intense as the devotees, waiting in a dedicated queue, were eager to catch a glimpse of this specific 'saroop' displayed for the consecutive anniversary of Operation Bluestar on June 6.

The bullet had damaged its cover and 90 pages, and the shell believed to have struck the 'saroop' is also on display.


Akal Takth Jathedar Giani Raghbir Singh said that even after four decades, the wounds of attack on the mind of the Sikhs were not healed up.

“Sikhs can never forget the June 1984 Ghallughara (holocaust).The move to put the ‘saroop’ open for public was taken to let the younger generation know what atrocities the then Central Government had committed on the Sikhs,” he said

He has asked the global Sikh community to commemorate this heinous act as ‘shaheedi saptah’ (a week of mourning) and the males should support black turbans and females black ‘chunni’ (stole) between June 4-6 as a mark of protest.