31-Mar-2025  Srinagar booked.net


Income Tax Dept Raids Khyber Group In Gulmarg, Srinagar



The Khyber Himalayan Resort, Gulmarg

Srinagar: The Income Tax department on Wednesday raided multiple business units of the Khyber group in Srinagar and Gulmarg, sources said. 

Sleuths of the Income Tax department along with police raided the residential house of Abdul Rouf Trumbo, son of Ghulam Ahmad at Gogji-Bagh here. Tramboo is the owner of the Khyber business group, they said. 
Another team of the Income Tax department headed by the Deputy Director of IT raided the office of the Khyber group at Hazuri Bagh near Dhar Pharmacy. 
Similarly, another team of the department raided The Khyber Himalayan Resort at Gulmarg. All the entry and exit points have been sealed and searches are being carried out by the sleuth of the Income tax department.
An official also confirmed the raids and said searches are being conducted since morning and details of which will be shared after the conclusion of all searches.