Srinagar: After the smart meters row, the J&K administration led by LG Manoj Sinha directed Public Health Engineering (PHE) authorities in Kashmir to “regularize” the water supply connection.
According to Vivek Kohli, Chief Engineer, PHE Kashmir, the department will regularize connections and all “unregistered” water connections will be disconnected.
“Our department is duty-bound to provide water supply to all registered consumers. However, those with illegal connections will have their supply cut off unless they regularize their connections,” the Chief Engineer said.
“All our water treatment plants are operating at full capacity, with no shortfall in generation. The demand in and around Srinagar is being met, but the rising temperatures have increased the demand,” he added.
The Chief Engineer urged people to use water judiciously and warned that “illegal connections disrupt the supply for legitimate consumers.”
CE PHE Kashmir added that the intensified drive aims to ensure equitable water distribution and mitigate the ongoing water crisis, urging people to register their water connections to avoid disconnection and contribute to the efficient use of water resources
(KNO inputs)